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Noah vs Scimitar Syndrome


Welcome To My Website about Scimitar Syndrome and Me
This is me at 3.5 years, just taken Dec 18, 2002.

My mom is putting together this web site that will include some information about Scimitar Syndrome in general and how I am progessing.

Please check back now and then for updates and to see how I'm doing.

Scimitar Syndrome is a rare congenital (a term that means "present at birth") anomaly (a deviation from what is accepted as normal) consisting of partial anomalous pulmonary venous return from the right lung with dextroposition of the heart (heart has shifted towards the right), and anomalous systemic arterial supply from the abdominal aorta to a portion of the right lung (usually lower lobe). Not all patients with scimitar syndrome will have all the above-mentioned findings, but the sine qua non is the anomalous pulmonary venous return of all or most of the right lung to the IVC creating the image of a Turkish sword on chest roentgenogram (X ray). Other cardiac anomalies may also coexist.