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My Favorite Photos
These are some of my favorite photos of me and my family. and some of my not so favorite ones when I was in the hospital for open heart surgery

Me and my big sis, Jessica, the day I was born

Me and my big brother Nick the day I was born
Here's my dad and my big brother Nate

This is me with Dr. Eric Ceithaml, he's the one who did my surgery
This is nurse Ellen, she was one of my critical care nurses when I was in PICU

I am very thankful to Dr. Ceithaml for saving my life, and for the excellent care by nurse Ellen and the other nurses.

He made sure everyone took great care of me! If it wasn't for Dr. Ceithaml and his excellent assistants, I probably wouldn't be here today.

She was also the one who spoke the most with my mom and dad about my condition. She kept them updated and gave them hope when they were afraid they would lose me

My parents are very thankful for her support, compassion, and understanding.